Wednesday, August 23, 2006

Titans of Tennis challenge China Gate

The court magicians, once again, made many courses of food vanish instantly! There were no challenged line (crashing) calls and all final scores were 6-0.

[A beautiful Wednesday, August 23, 2006]

(To download a picture, right click on it and SAVE it to your computer.)

Granpa Rae-Rae Posted by Picasa

First come first serve Posted by Picasa

Mmmm good Posted by Picasa

Say cheese Posted by Picasa

Who invited them? Posted by Picasa

Protest the out call Posted by Picasa

Mutt 'n Jeff Posted by Picasa

Scoring a point Posted by Picasa

Photogenic Posted by Picasa

Most of us Posted by Picasa

Chatter Posted by Picasa